What is Managed Prefix List in AWS? Ultimate Guide 2023

In the realm of cloud computing, AWS (Amazon Web Services) stands out as a prominent figure, providing an extensive array of services tailored to cater to the requirements of businesses and individuals alike. Among its offerings is the invaluable Managed Prefix List, which plays an integral role in enhancing network security and facilitating routing within the AWS environment. This article aims to delve into the significance of Managed Prefix List, shedding light on its functionalities and illustrating the potential advantages it can bring to your AWS infrastructure.

Introduction to Managed Prefix List in AWS

In AWS, a Managed Prefix List is a resource that allows you to specify a list of CIDR blocks, also known as IP address ranges, and associate them with a unique name. It acts as a firewall for your VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) by controlling inbound and outbound traffic based on the defined CIDR blocks. Essentially, it provides you with granular control over network traffic, allowing or denying communication between various resources within your AWS environment.

Understanding Prefix Lists

Prefix Lists, in general, are a way to define sets of IP address ranges for routing purposes. They are commonly used in network routing protocols to determine the path of data packets. In the context of AWS, Managed Prefix Lists serve a similar purpose but with added management and flexibility.

Key Features and Benefits

Managed Prefix Lists offer several key features and benefits that enhance network security and simplify network management in AWS:

Granular Control:

With Managed Prefix Lists, you can define specific IP address ranges to allow or deny traffic. This fine-grained control enables you to implement a strong security posture for your AWS resources.

Centralized Management:

Managed Prefix Lists are managed centrally within the AWS environment. This means you can create, update, and delete prefix lists across multiple VPCs and accounts from a single location, providing a streamlined approach to network management.

Flexible Association:

You can associate Managed Prefix Lists with other AWS resources such as VPCs, subnets, or internet gateways. This allows you to control traffic flow at different levels, ensuring that only authorized communication takes place.

Simplified Updates:

If you need to modify the IP address ranges within a Managed Prefix List, you can do so without making changes to the associated resources. This flexibility simplifies updates and reduces the risk of mis-configuration.

Creating and Managing Managed Prefix List in AWS

Creating and managing Managed Prefix Lists in AWS involves a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the VPC service.
  3. Access the “Managed Prefix Lists” section.
  4. Click on the “Create Managed Prefix List” button.
  5. Provide a unique name for the prefix list and specify the desired IP address ranges.
  6. Save the changes.

Once created, you can easily manage and update the Managed Prefix Lists as needed, ensuring that your network security policies remain up to date.

Applying Managed Prefix Lists

Managed Prefix Lists are typically associated with resources such as VPCs, subnets, or route tables. By associating a prefix list with a resource, you can control the inbound and outbound traffic flow for that particular resource. This allows you to enforce security measures and restrict communication based on defined IP address ranges.

Use Cases and Scenarios

Managed Prefix List in AWS find applications in various scenarios within AWS environments. Some common use cases include:

  • Implementing security groups: By associating Managed Prefix Lists with security groups, you can create a layered approach to network security, restricting access to specific IP address ranges.
  • Isolating resources: You can use Managed Prefix Lists to isolate resources within your VPCs, ensuring that communication only occurs between approved IP address ranges.
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements: Managed Prefix Lists help in meeting compliance and regulatory requirements by controlling and monitoring network traffic.

Best Practices for Managed Prefix Lists

To make the most of Managed Prefix Lists in AWS, consider the following best practices:

  • Regularly review and update prefix lists to align with your changing security requirements.
  • Leverage descriptive naming conventions for easy identification and management of prefix lists.
  • Use tags to add metadata to your prefix lists, facilitating efficient organization and management.
  • Test and validate the functionality of your prefix lists to ensure they align with your network security policies.

Limitations and Considerations

While Managed Prefix List in AWS offer powerful network security capabilities, it’s important to be aware of their limitations and considerations:

  • Managed Prefix Lists are region-specific and cannot be shared across regions.
  • The maximum number of entries in a Managed Prefix List is limited.
  • Changes to a Managed Prefix List may take a short time to propagate across the network.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Monitoring and troubleshooting Managed Prefix List in AWS involve observing network traffic patterns and addressing any issues that may arise. You can leverage AWS CloudWatch and VPC Flow Logs to gain insights into network traffic and identify potential anomalies.


In conclusion, Managed Prefix List in AWS is a valuable tool in the arsenal of network security and routing within the AWS ecosystem. By providing granular control over network traffic, centralized management, and simplified updates, Managed Prefix Lists empower AWS users to enhance their infrastructure’s security posture. Leveraging Managed Prefix Lists effectively can help organizations enforce access control policies, meet compliance requirements, and achieve secure communication between AWS resources.


Q1: Can I associate a Managed Prefix List in AWS with an EC2 instance?

Yes, Managed Prefix Lists can be associated with EC2 instances through the use of security groups. By controlling inbound and outbound traffic, you can add an extra layer of security to your EC2 instances.

Q2: Are Managed Prefix Lists limited to VPCs only?

No, Managed Prefix Lists can also be associated with subnets and internet gateways, allowing you to control traffic flow at different levels within your AWS environment.

Q3: How can I update a Managed Prefix List in AWS?

You can update a Managed Prefix List by modifying the associated IP address ranges without making changes to the resources or entities that reference the prefix list.

Q4: Can I share a Managed Prefix List with another AWS account?

No, Managed Prefix Lists are not shareable across AWS accounts. They are specific to the account and region in which they are created.

Q5: What happens if I delete a Managed Prefix List in AWS?

If you delete a Managed Prefix List, the association with the associated resources such as VPCs or subnets will be removed, potentially impacting the network traffic flow. Ensure proper planning and assessment before deleting a Managed Prefix List.

For more articles on AWS help and queries, please visit us at kapilnawani.com.

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